An IEEE Computer Society
sponsored venue

Formerly IEEE International Workshop on Program Comprehension (IWPC )

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History of ICPC

ICPC Events held in the past

The Steering Committee



ICPC Author Index Sorted by Year

Select a year for a listing of authors.

2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1994 1993 1992

Author list in alphabetical order for the year 2004

Author NamePage
Antoniol, G.120
Batory, D 2
Bennett, K.151
Beyer, D.251
Canfora, G 62
Capiluppi, A. 172
Cimitile, A. 62
Clarke, C.79
Cleary, B.268
Danicic, S.89
De Backe, M.264
De Lucia, A.89
De Lucia, A.132
Dedene, G.264
Di Penta, M.120
Distante, D.142
Exton, C.268
Foss, A.231
Francese, R.132
Fu, L.70
Girardi, C.204
Gold, N. 151,236
Guldogan, O.24
Hammouda, I.24
Hamou-Lhadj, A.70
Harman, M.89
Hassan, A.183
Henzinger, T.251
Holt, R.183
Holt, R.241
Jhala, R.251
Kanellopoulos, Y.214
Kelsen, P.46
Kontogiannis, K.258
Korel, B.246
Koskimies, K.24
Kuzniarz, L.14
Lethbridge, T.70
Lundberg, J.52
Löwe, W.52
Majumdar, R.251
Mennie, C.79
Mohan, A.236
Morisio, M.172
O'Brien, L.100
O'Brien, L.260
Panas, T.52
Parveen, T.142
Pianta, E.204
Ramil, J.172
Ricca, F.204
Sarmineto, C.111
Scanniello, G.132
Smith, D.260
Sneed, H.162
Staron, M.14
Stoermer, C.100
Stroulia, E.34
Systä, T.24
Tadonki, C.266
Tahat, L.246
Tahvildari, L.258
Takahashi, S.111
Tilley, S.142
Tjortjis, C.214
Tonella, P.204
Torchiano, M.226
Tortora, G.132
Tzerpos, V.194
Vandenbulcke, J.264
Verhoef, C.100
Visaggio, C.62
Wen, Z.194
Wohlin, C.14
Wong, K.231
Wu, J.241
Xing, Z.34
Zazzara, M.120
78 found

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ICPC Steering Committee <moc.spuorgelgoog@cs-cpci>